-this post is going to be rather incoherent-
First off, the song of the day is not the song of the day. It's the album of the day. It's called InTheFlowersMyGirlsAlsoFrightenedSummertimeClothesDailyRoutineBluishGuysEyesTasteLionInAComaNoMoreRunninBrothersport. It's also known as the Merriweather Post Pavillion by Animal Collective. I simply do not have the command of enough adjectives, nouns, adverbs, and certainly not nearly enough hyperbolic expressions to describe how amazing this album is. I had a Shakespeare teacher who claimed that King Lear had an infinite relevance to the world in which it was written and that it's words could spread out into the cosmos forever. I knew what he meant, but I always thought that it was sort of a cop-out thing to say because even metaphorically that just couldn't be the case and it therefore was just an easy way of saying it's a deep work. To say that a finite piece of literature has infinite implications is downright ridiculous and if I had the persistence- and with him as a teacher- the downright apathy for my grade, I would have asked many more "why" questions as to why he felt like he could make claim. With MPP, however, I feel like it's place doesn't have to be trivialized to infinity. (I'm in paradox heaven right now) This album is a very deep, which is great, but it also happens to be the most pleasant album to listen to that I've ever encountered. I feel good after listening to it the entire way through. Every time I finish listening to it, I feel as if I have just awoken from an hour nap. What makes this better than a nap though, is that the actual "nap" part was the best part. I was consciously having a good time as opposed to that fake dreaming crap. (I love sleep btw) This album is so refreshing. For example, My Girls is about relationships and not needing all the superfluous stuff that we're programmed to think that we need. That's fucking fantastic. I'd much rather sing that at the top of my lungs than sing about how low my chain hangs or how much I'd like to Superman that ho. They go even deeper too in songs like Taste where they ask "Am I really all things that are inside of me?" That line repeats over and over again; it's a question worth thinking about. There's so much more to this album and it is definitely worth a listen: THE WHOLE WAY THROUGH. This is the 55 minute song of the day.
On a related note of great entertainment, there is an absolute atrocity being committed as we speak. NBC's new show, Kings is hands down the best show on television. If there is a modern day counterpart to Shakespeare, the overall production of this show is just that. There aren't enough good things I can say about this show. Go to hulu.com and watch all of the episodes. Now. The atrocity that I mentioned is that this amazingly brilliant show is not being marketed properly and is therefore getting terrible ratings. First of all, the show was bought by NBC. That brings about so many limitations that it is undoubtedly stifling the genius of this show. My second favorite show would have been awful on any American television network. Imagine if Entourage, Weeds, or Band of Brothers on NBC? Ugh. Another crime was that they made the show air on Sunday nights and that didn't work. They then moved it to Saturday night which is just a bad sign and an awful remedy. This whole situation of genius going to waste just saddens me. And all the while American Idol gets ridiculously high ratings. FML.
I almost died this week, but not really. More on that later.
My roommates watch Gossip Girl. FML. More on that later.
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