Friday, March 20, 2009

What are we going to do with all of this information? If by some miracle I continue this blog for even 5 years, when will I be able to read it? Since a lot of people blog or keep online journals for the sake of documenting history, I just wonder when we will be able to view all of it. And if we, as I'm sure will turn out to be the case, realize that we will not be able to play back all of these memories, are these private memories going to be for public viewing, just so that there can be eyes to witness what has been documented? 
The purpose of this article in the Onion was to make fun of people's obsession with Barack Obama's historic presidency. In so doing, I think it touched upon a rather important idea that is the central theme of this blog post, which is the accessibility of information storage with this generation. Maybe this isn't an attempt to keep everything on record, it's just like having a life ipod- which is to say that you have the accessibility to all of your memories even though you will most likely never view them, similar to the way that no one listens to most of the songs on their ipod. I just wonder what will become of all this stuff. And as much as we think it may, this stuff will not last forever- that show Life After Humans on the History Channel (an interesting network choice) shows that after humans these records won't last that long. 

Song of the day:
9 Crimes by Damien Rice (the live youtube version from Abbey Road is the best)

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